It is of crucial importance to note that Ebony Shield Group is not only out to maximise profit, but also to create a long-lasting impact by fostering development in its widest category. Hence, Ebony Shield Group also has as objective to support the United Nations Sustainable Development goals to be achieved by 2030.


We implement various mechanisms in order to make sure that by 2030, there will be a reduction in the level of poverty. This is done by providing developmental opportunities to our immediate community that we carryout exploitation and also the payment of a particular percentage of our proceeds to the community to increase their standards of living. This goes a very long way to reduce the level of poverty that these rural population experience.


In order to make sure that there is Zero hunger, Ebony Shield Group sponsors projects of rural women by giving them agricultural tools to carryout farming and also financial and human capital to make sure that there is successful cultivation and delivery of their various products to ready and trustworthy buyers so as to avoid exploitation of the rural farmers which has been a cankerworm eating the agricultural profitability of these farmers.


Ebony Shield Group ensure that there is quality education by giving out school benches to schools especially in the rural areas who have limited benches for students and pupils to conveniently learn. Lack of benches in schools located in rural areas is one of the problems of quality education in Cameroon. Hence, we reach out to schools village by village 4 times per year.

SDGs 15: Life on Land:

Ebony Shield Group exploit its woods in accordance to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 15 which aims to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”. This goal 15 cautiousness permits us to exploit mature woods and carryout reforestation in order to eradicate any form of negative consequence on the environment.


Ebony Shield Group creates employment both full and part time for youths ranging from field agents to the top management of the company. This goes a long way to increase the disposable income of those employed thereby leading to an increase in the availability of money to spend on investment hence, economic growth. The company also makes sure that it pays its taxes monthly which permits the government to carryout infrastructural developments like roads and more thereby fostering investment.